So yes i have been a bit slack at my blog but going back to work after the summer was a shock to the system!
It's now 1 month until christmas and yesterday the first snow fell.( 1 month earlier than last year!) which I'm sad to say had not much effect on me! Yes, 1 Russian winter has hardened my soul against the childlike wonder of snowfall you get when it snows in the UK! Luckily i had a nice new pair of snow trousers i purchased on sunday and I now have a very sexy waddle when i walk to school!
I've never been much of a fan of ice-skating in the UK...doing mindless laps of an oval skate rink is not my idea of that much fun. Ice skating in Gorky park however is a different story. The whole centre of the park is turned into connecting ice lanes and you can skate all through the park, stopping in all the cafes if you want..and you can really get your speed up. Even more exciting was that my ice skates had diamonds in and said princess!! You don't get that in Plymouth Pavilions!!
It's now 1 month until christmas and yesterday the first snow fell.( 1 month earlier than last year!) which I'm sad to say had not much effect on me! Yes, 1 Russian winter has hardened my soul against the childlike wonder of snowfall you get when it snows in the UK! Luckily i had a nice new pair of snow trousers i purchased on sunday and I now have a very sexy waddle when i walk to school!
I've never been much of a fan of ice-skating in the UK...doing mindless laps of an oval skate rink is not my idea of that much fun. Ice skating in Gorky park however is a different story. The whole centre of the park is turned into connecting ice lanes and you can skate all through the park, stopping in all the cafes if you want..and you can really get your speed up. Even more exciting was that my ice skates had diamonds in and said princess!! You don't get that in Plymouth Pavilions!!
My new flat is still lovely and underfloor heating is keeping us all cosy! I met up with a friend who was out on her architecture trip, who just as Giles did got very excited about the big radio tower next to our flat ( turned out she was doing her project on it very randomly). Apparently Shukov's tower is very famous in the architecture world....had no idea thought they just forgot to take it down!

Russian lessons have resumed and although I will never be fluent I like having to challenge my brain after spending all day with 5 year olds! I think we sound like Russian 5 year olds the way we have to sound all the letters out mind you!
So now it's just the Christmas concert to get done and dusted which is proving quite hard his week as only 9 - 11 children have been coming to school ( out of 24). Apparently they are all ill but i have my suspicions they are keeping some off so that they don't get ill for the concert. Which will be futile as then they won't know what to do... just don;t get me started! One mother came to speak to me today with a mouth mask on!!
So yes that is that...all good and looking forward to coming home for an Oxfordshire based Christmas for a change!
Ooh and I went to the brand new Bolshoi theatre which has been being renovated for 5 years. We saw Ivan the Terrible ballet which was possibly one of the most wonderful things I've ever seen.. they will def be more ballet trips!
Gotta go to Gorky park to ice skate one day too =)))